Doggie Genealogy? Part 1 of 3

Genealogy for dogs? Have we lost our minds? If you’ve browsed the Sky Mall catalog recently, you may have seen the Hammacher Schlemmer® Canine Genealogy Kit.  Yes, it’s serious. This DNA kit includes a swab that you scrape on the inside of your dog’s cheek, put the swab in the envelope provided and mail it to the library. Three weeks later you receive a certificate that lists Rover’s genetic profile and breeds.

At first I thought, “I know people love their dogs, but this is ridiculous.” So I called my friend Maile. “Can I give your dog a DNA test?” Of course I had to try it. “Sure,” she agreed. She and her husband Pat had wondered about the breed of their new pound puppy Ziggy.

I did some searching online and learned that it is a breed test – not that it indicates dogs from common ancestors like many of the human DNA projects going on today.

I chose one of the brands (Canine Heritage) that tested for a high number of breeds – 100 breeds. Tune in tomorrow for the testing. 

Caption: This is the image for “dog genealogy” in the SkyMall magazine that caught my eye. I wound up using a test by Canine Heritage.

© Corey Oiesen, Genealogy Heroes 2010


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2 responses to “Doggie Genealogy? Part 1 of 3

  1. that photo you have here is for the BioPet DNA test. Not the Canine Heritage Breed Test.

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